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Methodist Church Hall Barbourne

Yoga Classes Worcester City Centre

10 reviews for Methodist Church Hall Barbourne

  1. 5 out of 5

    Lisa Clements

    I regularly block book for Claire’s friday class and since lockdown have been able to participate online 3 times a week for the cost of 1 lesson a week which has helped me greatly through these strange and somewhat stressful times.I cannot recommend Yoga 7 enough and £70 for 10 lessons is amazing value especially at the moment with online lessons meaning paying for 1 class per week you can join as many each week as you would like.

    • Claire Swaffield

      Thanks Lisa and for me it’s been great having the time to get to know you better and students connecting in ways we would never had prior to this strange situation. So so glad you are experiencing the benefits of practising more often x

  2. 5 out of 5

    Mike Wheatley

    I have been regularly attending classes with Yoga 7 for almost 3 years – recently taking advantage of “online” facility to attend 3 classes per week for a fee of only £7. This fee allows you to attend as many classes as you may wish in any given week

    I have always enjoyed the classes. As well as being friendly & approachable, Claire is an enthusiastic & effective teacher. She has structured the sessions to include “breathing techniques” & “postures” which ensures the maintenance of interest by students.

    I have found that, during the current Covoid 19 crisis, partaking of classes has helped me to maintain a feeling of calm “wellbeing” when faced with all of the stresses involved in living within the current restrictive environment – including the enjoyment of undisturbed sleep.

    If you are looking for a fulfilling experience, I cannot recommend Yoga 7 highly enough.

    • Claire Swaffield

      Mike thank you so much! Time certainly does fly by. Im so glad you are able to have some element of normality at this time with yoga online and great to be able to see you more than once a week too. Thank you for the recommendation.x

  3. 5 out of 5

    Manjula Bhaskar

    I have been attending classes with Yoga 7 with Claire for few months on Fridays. The classes include breathing exercises, yoga poses and guided relaxation at the end. I enjoyed the classes as it gave a sense of calmness to me with better sleep at night.
    Now with the lockdown and very stressful time it’s great to continue the classes online. Claire’s clear instructions and methodical approach helps to continue the same level of learning as before. I usually block book for 5 weeks at £40 and can attend as many Online classes/ week. I would definitely recommend yoga 7 for all levels – beginner to advanced for great experience.

    • Claire Swaffield

      Thank you Manjula and great that you are taking advantage of the online classes at a reduced price. The more you do the easier it becomes. So glad traditional yoga is supporting you getting a good nights sleep too. x

  4. 5 out of 5


    I have been having yoga lessons with Claire for coming up to 3 years now and I can’t recommend them enough. Her classes are inclusive and friendly, suitable for all abilities. I have gained so much from her classes, I feel more confident in myself as I realise I am stronger and more flexible than I think, something I had lost confidence in as I have got older. Her online classes have been particularly helpful during these strange and difficult times and have helped keep me calm and grounded. I would recommend anyone who has been thinking of trying yoga to join one of Claire’s classes and give it a try. I really think it can be life changing.

    • Claire Swaffield

      How time flies Claire. It is great to hear that yoga has been benefiting you in so many different ways and that your are still feeling the rewards of yoga now we are online. Thank you for the recommendation. x

  5. 5 out of 5

    Amba Gatherum Matthews

    What a blessing for me to discover traditional Sivananda style of Hatha Yoga and it’s many benefits way back in 1993. Over the years I have tried many different styles of yoga all. across the globe in various countries as I enjoy practicing yoga in group classes. Somehow I always come back to Sivananda as it’s so complete & well rounded with breathing exercises, postures and deep relaxation leaving you feeling amazing after class. I was so delighted In 2018 to find Claire and Yoga 7 on my doorstep here in Worcester. Now I join her zoom group classes 3 times a week and absolutely love it! The benefits are plentiful. Claire’s a truly great teacher and effortlessly blends Sivananda with her own style borne from her decades long practice. Suitable for beginners and more advanced, highly recommended. 10/10. Thank you so much Claire, you’re a gift to all your yoga students!

  6. 5 out of 5

    Sarah Reed

    I love the perfect mixture of pranayama (breath work), asana (postures), and guided relaxation. The asana portion can be as challenging or easy as you want to make it – we are different every day and Claire provides great instruction on how to be in your body that day for your poses. I always feel so much better after class – relaxed, limber and focused.

    • Claire Swaffield

      Great to hear Sarah and so glad you are enjoying the online class and how easy they are to access in our busy lives. Im so pleased you are enjoying the classes x

  7. 5 out of 5

    Felicia Mills

    I absolutely love Claire’s yoga classes. I block book to get a great deal. I am learning such a lot about how to get the best out of myself. Claire is such a good teacher! Thanks to her classes, moving is becoming a joy and ageing glitches are becoming less of a ‘pain’. At age 68 I am so happy to discover that enjoying a sense of strength and vitality is still possible. Although we do all follow roughly the same set of yoga moves, we can choose alternative options if we need them. Most of all, the breathing exercises are surprisingly beneficial for enhancing bodily potential and also in deepening relaxation. So glad I found this class. Many thanks to Claire!

    • Claire Swaffield

      Thanks so much Felicia it’s been great seeing your progress each week and goes to show that it is never too late to start getting flexible, stronger and fitter. Im so please you are enjoying the classes and experiencing the many benefits.

  8. 5 out of 5

    Denise Done

    I was looking for a yoga class close by when I found Yoga 7 online 14 months ago and a complete beginner. It was suggested that it would help with my cyatica, I haven’t look back since then. At first I found it difficult to switch off, and I still find some of the breathing exercises a challenge. I don’t have anything to compare it with I just know I enjoy it.
    Claire is welcoming, encouraging and is an effective teacher. Claire mixes up the exercises which makes the class interesting as well as a challenge.

    • Claire Swaffield

      Thank you so much Denise we have such a lovely community of students at all classes and the Friday one is such a great end to the week and start of the weekend. Im so glad you persisted with the various aspects of the class and are experiencing the many benefits.

  9. 5 out of 5

    Sylvia Lias

    Claire is an excellent teacher and I have found her classes very helpful for my back issues.When I first started some 2 years ago I felt stiff and not very flexible,but now feel much more flexible and frequently suprise myself at what I can still do.I highly recommend Yoga7.

    • Claire Swaffield

      Thanks so much Syliva it is so great to see and hear of the effects the classes have on students particularly those with back issues. Im so pleased you experience the many positive benefits from attending weekly.

  10. 5 out of 5


    Hi x Tracey dadswell here x my review for Claire x I look forward to my yoga class on Friday morning as it sets me up for a positive weekend x Claire is a very good and experienced teacher x I always feel welcome in the group with its positive energy xshe always encourages everyone to be their very best x and not to compare ourselves with any one in the group the breathing exercises are wonderful and prepare your. Mind and body for the physical aspect of the class x the guided meditation at the end is totally relaxing x I feel I am part of something bigger x likminded people coming together sharing peace and love for the mind heart body soul and spirit ♥️ love and light Tracey x

    • Claire Swaffield

      Back at you Tracey and definitely sensing the connectivity to something so much bigger. Thanks for sharing your experience and your warm contribution to the group.

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