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Yoga St Swithuns City Centre Worcester

Yoga Classes Now Online

11 reviews for Yoga St Swithuns City Centre Worcester

  1. 5 out of 5


    I love this blend of breathing techniques, classical yoga assanas and deep relaxation. Claire is a competent and caring teacher who takes seriously the welfare of each student to ensure everyone has the best possible yoga experience for them. I would recommend to anyone at any level

    • Claire Swaffield

      Barbara thank you so much for your kind words and i so glad that the practise of traditional yoga suits you. It is so good to see you online particularly at this time.x

  2. 5 out of 5

    Ann Taylor

    I began classes with Claire around 10 months ago. Physically stiff and mentally exhausted. Cynical that yoga wasn’t for me but would give it ago!
    Well, I attend 2 classes a week, don’t pretend to be an expert, overweight and over 50, but the stretching helps with 20 years of back problems, and the relaxation set at end of the class resets my head for a stressful week at work much to my surprise.
    Claire is with every one welcoming and encouraging. This I, plan to make a lifelong habit.
    Ann – Worcester

    • Claire Swaffield

      Ann im so pleased that your back has improved and it shows that a regular practise really supports us both mentally and physically. Great too that you can access the classes online. Thanks for sharing x

  3. 5 out of 5


    My Chiropractor recommended yoga for my bad back. I’ve been attending Yoga classes with Claire for over a year now and much improved in body and mind!
    The online classes are great. Claire’s instructions are clear and easy to follow and, at £7 a week for multiple classes, it’s an absolute bargain!

    • Claire Swaffield

      So great Simon that you and Sarah can access the online classes and coming more than once a week too. Thanks for your review and i’m thrilled that you are benefiting from the classes xx

  4. 5 out of 5


    I joined Claire’s yoga classes to complement physio I was having for my knees. It’s now coming up to 2 years since I started and I no longer have problems with my knees. I also saw improvement in my strength just a few months after starting the weekly classes. Claire is a great teacher, explaining and demonstrating the postures clearly, and making sure the classes are tailored to suit all levels.

    • Claire Swaffield

      Caitlin thanks so much and im so pleased that the classes and regular practise has helped physically. Its is great too that youre able to do the classes with your family.xx

  5. 5 out of 5


    I have recently returned to Claire’s yoga class following the pandemic and am thoroughly enjoying it. I have done yoga on and off throughout my life and wanted to come back to it as something I could now do for always. In a Tuesday class Claire guides us through breathing exercises, active movement and then relaxation. By the end of the class I am refreshed and relaxed and set up for another busy week. Claire’s yoga is the perfect compliment to the running that I do as well, and after 3 weeks I could already see an improvement in both my running and my flexibility. In my mid 50’s, I can honestly say that I have returned to yoga at exactly the the right time in my life for me. Thank you Claire.

    • Claire Swaffield

      Thanks so much Sue for your review. It’s been great having you in class again.

  6. 5 out of 5


    I have been attending Claire’s yoga classes at the St Swithun’s Institute for around nine months. They are excellent and I have found them to be friendly and superbly supportive. Claire conducts the sessions with huge expertise and empathy. It is a great weekly experience. Claire gives very precise guidance and never fails to get you to understand you and your body. Transformative. Highly recommended!

    • Claire Swaffield

      Andrew thank you so much for your review it is very much appreciated. Im only glad you are getting so much from the class. It really is a journey and an intuitive practise and how great you are able to listen to your body and experience transformation.

  7. 5 out of 5

    Natalie Waldron

    I’ve been attending Claire’s Tuesday evening yoga class for 4 years now and I would recommend it to anyone. The mixture of breathing, yoga and relaxation helps alleviate mental stress and physical aches and pains. Claire is an excellent yoga instructor, taking time to ensure that everyone is comfortable and encouraging the class to listen to their bodies as everyone is different and our own bodies change from day to day. You leave the class feeling both relaxed and energised. It’s the one thing in my diary each week that I try not to miss!

    • Claire Swaffield

      Thanks so much Natalie your review is very much appreciated. I agree that having that weekly commitment is where the results and positive benefits are experienced.

  8. 5 out of 5

    Sarah Fernihough

    I highly recommend Claire’s Tuesday evening yoga class, together with the Friday morning class. A relaxing and inclusive atmosphere, the classes are suitable for all. I am enjoying feeling the strength gained from regular practise, which complements my other exercise. A great combination of breathing, asana and relaxation.

    • Claire Swaffield

      Thanks so much Sarah im so glad you found us and that it’s the classes compliment your other activities including another Marathon.

  9. 5 out of 5


    I have been attending the yoga sessions with Claire on Tuesday evenings for over a year now. I have found Claires leadership and approach very helpful and supportive. I had some experience of yoga before, having attended classes in India and the Netherlands, but quite some time ago. In my previous experience I found the concentration on the asana’s (the physical positions) too much of a strain and the guidance not very helpful. Claire has an approach that encourages you to listen to your body, to know yourself, and in doing so to learn when discomfort is/and when it isn’t constructive. I confess to not be very disciplined to do much yoga outside of attending the class once a week. Despite this I find myself much less susceptible to aches and pains, and significantly more flexible. Its also important for me to practice with others in the room, not because I need to have people to compare myself with, but because of the collective energy and spirit that being in a group generates. Thanks Claire for such a good class.

    • Claire Swaffield

      Thanks Jnanamati for your kind and eloquent words, it’s really appreciated. You’re so right about the energy in the room and its transformative impact. It’s been great having you attend weekly and I dont know where the time has gone, over a year already!

  10. 5 out of 5


    I have been attending Claire’s Tuesday class at St Swithins Institute for over 4 years now. Claire is a fantastic teacher, very friendly and welcoming and provides classes suitable for everyone, regardless of age or ability. I have seen a great improvement in my flexibility and overall calmness.
    Claire’s classes have been tremendous help in my recovery from anxiety and lack of sleep. I am able to use rhe breathing techniques to help me through the challenges that life can bring and always find I have the best nights sleep after one of Claire’s classes.
    *****Highly Recommended*****

    • Claire Swaffield

      Thanks Charlie for your kind words. I’m so pleased that Tuesdays class has helped you in so many ways. The combination of the breath work, the physical part and then the relaxation ensure students get the true essence of the many benefits of a traditional yoga class.

  11. 5 out of 5


    I have been joining Claire’s yoga sessions for around 6 months as an aspirational beginner. The sessions suit me perfectly. Claire’s approach is a well structured combination of breathing exercises for mindfulness and physical positioning exercises for strength, balance and flexibility. I find being in person with a group motivates and energises me to practice yoga more in my daily life.
    I recommend that anyone considering learning yoga or progressing their practice with a group should try one of Claire’s sessions.

    • Claire Swaffield

      Thank you Mark for your review. Im so pleased that you are benefiting from a traditional yoga class.

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