Spring has sprung!
So here we are riding the wave of life at this uncertain time. The only certainty is that this Covid-19 brings us all together as equals, as it can affect all of us. We are thankfully united by our humanity, Corona doesn’t care about your social status or anything external. Covid-19 is uniting us through isolation as more of us are reaching out to each other through our wonderful technology but in much more meaningful ways than ever before. Connecting is now occurring because we have all had to slow down and take stock of what is important? For years I’ve said to myself stop the world for a week so I can catch up and now it’s happened. It’s difficult for some of us to switch off and just be and the first few weeks of my isolation was spent ensuring I’m able to do what I love, teach yoga! So I’ve been busy setting up online classes and now learnt how to and taken the time to communicate with you all.
Online Yoga
I want to use this first-ever Newsletter as an opportunity to thank you past and present students for your interest, commitment and sharing of Yoga 7 with me over the years. I can’t believe I’m approaching my 8th year teaching! Thanks to technology, something I’ve always been fearful of and still is, all Yoga 7 classes continue to run as usual, only ONLINE via a platform that is easy and safe called Zoom. Teaching traditional yoga means that Pranayama is equally as important as the physical bit and the relaxation and so all classes remain 90 minutes. Breathing correctly at this time is so imperative, so please if get this far in reading this newsletter please breath in and out through your nose particularly when having your hour of fresh air. If you are a runner please consider those around you and keep your mouth closed. Our mouths are for talking, eating and drinking and our nose is for breathing. The nose hair and mucus membrane act as natural filters thus helping to purify the air going into our lungs.
Approaching our 4th week of online classes has helped keep us social as a community as classes ‘open’ half an hour before and after they start so that those that want can catch up and chat-but no obligation. Our online yoga classes have also added structure to our lives that are now so very different. I appreciate it may be very difficult for some of you to have a home practise because of space, time and family commitments but take a look at the timetable and see if you can give yourself time to experience the mental and physical benefits of yoga.
If you’ve moved out of Worcester it would be so lovely to see you again using this online platform and reconnect. If you’ve friends and family overseas then connect with them at a class as online yoga means we can be together regardless of where you are in the world. I’ve had friends from America, Switzerland and Norway join in the classes, which has been truly magnificent.
I’ve been asked to run more classes so now there’s also a class on Wednesday mornings. If you are interested in more classes at different times to suit, then please let me know, as let’s face it, we have no idea how long we will remain in isolation? A Saturday morning class is in the pipeline, but only if there’s interest so please do get in touch and tell me what YOU want? Bank Holidays this year won’t be much different for many of us so the classes will continue on those days if you want, just get in touch.

What’s different?
Now when you pay for one class weekly from £7 you can then join as many of the other classes that week for FREE. All you need to do is get in touch to say which classes you want to join so I can send you the joining details. Block book 10 weeks and pay £7 a class, 5 weeks £8 or drop in £10 (seniors & students £7). I’m also continuing with personal tuition but at a reduced online rate of £25 this can be for up to 4 people sharing a house but of course, you will need to be visible. Why don’t you use this as an opportunity to deepen your practise and share yoga with your family?
All you need is a mat, a strap or dressing gown belt, blocks or cushions or a chair to elevate your hips during the pranayama.
You can choose to be visible or invisible but it’s so nice to get to know each other more by being able to see each other, even if it’s just a small screen. All you need is internet access and a device. You don’t need to download Zoom you can piggyback of mine by just clicking on the link I sent you and using the password. I’m not going to bombard you with regular newsletters or emails but will make them seasonal so look out for another in the summer months. Please keep an eye on, like and follow Yoga 7 on Facebook and Instagram and stay connected.
Free Guided Relaxation Audio
I have made a professionally produced 20 minute guided relaxation recording available for you to listen to any time you want by clicking here.
If you’ve managed to read all this then firstly thank you, stay well and wishing you a very Happy Easter. Use this special time wisely and I really hope to ‘see you’ online soon.
Staying connected whilst keeping our mind and body healthy.